
First things first; congratulations on finding this corner of the internet. Quite the achievement considering all the travel content out there! This website has one simple aim: further lowering the threshold for those desperate to travel Europe and beyond.

Independent travel can be daunting. As you deal with different governments, languages, travel providers and much much more. Stringing all this research together on where to go and how to get there easily becomes hard work. And that’s where desperatetravellers comes in.

What this blog tends to offer:

  • Build engaging maps that in one quick glance tell you everything you need to know.
  • Help you navigate travel documentation regardless of background.
  • Offer all readers reviews they can relate to. Find your companion now.
  • Show how ecological travel and bargains go hand in hand.
  • Old and new routes by train, bus or ferry to every corner of the continent.
  • Death to the middle man: direct referrals for all necessary documents and transport tickets.
  • Work as a swiss army knife before and during your travels.

I solemny swear to not:

  • Assume you have a strong passport and/or money to burn.
  • Distort reviews with tedious personal commentary or hidden marketing.
  • Be your average travel blog.

As a dedicated professional in the field of migration desperatetravellers became the brainchild of a passion for writing, a relentless urge to see the world and thoughts on the power dynamics of passports and bureaucracies that limit or encourage freedom of movement. For those fortunate to be born with a top tier passport I can only say to enjoy it to the fullest and roam as freely and often as possible. For those less fortunate: knowledge is power and this site might end up a good place to start.

“By refusing to abide by walls, maps, borders or identity documents, mobile people upset state’s ideas of exclusion and control. Simply by moving.” Reece Jones

” The world is mine oyster” – Shakespeare

And yours too.