The Paper Work

It has been said that a pretty face is a passport. But it’s not, it’s a visa, and it runs out fast.

Depending on which documentation you already hold and where you’re heading to, the amount of paper work you’ll need to prepare before you gain entry to certain countries varies greatly. From simply holding an ID-card to arranging all sorts of documentation beforehand. This page helps you navigate your situation:

I. Do I need a visa?

II. How some visas are more equal than others

III. Which other documents might a border guard ask for?

IV. I don’t have a passport but a conventional travel document (CTD). Can I travel?

Conventional travel documents can be issued to refugees, stateless people or anyone who rightfully claims he/or she can’t get a passport. They take there name from post world war II international conventions, aiming to protect war refugees in the future. They act as a substitute for a passport. CTD’s in general require a visa but depending on the country of residence visa-free travel might be possible (just as with regular passports) . In theory all signatories of the convention should accept CTD’s. So can you travel?

V. Refused entry. What to do?

VI. Visual summary